Expert Professional Services

When you associate with Essca Consulting, you have access to a network of delay, quantum and technical experts. Every one of our experts combines the highest levels of professional credentials and direct industry experience, capable of offering impartial and unambiguous reliable testimony that often leads to settlement of cases.

When negotiation fail, Litigation/Arbitration becomes the only alternative to resolve a dispute. The engineering and construction disputes often involve complex issues, which require expert testimony/witness. Essca Consulting provides expert witness services on engineering and technical disputes like variations, change of scope/specifications, design and construction defects and latent failures for infra and engineering projects. Our work as independent expert involves preparation of independent expert reports, rebuttal reports, joint expert reports, CPM schedule etc.

Essca team of technical experts has years of experience in providing expert witness services and working alongside law firms. Our team members/ Consultants have been involved as experts in several Indian and international arbitration as independent experts providing expert reports on delay, technical matters and quantum.

We also assist as in-house consultants to our clients for arbitration/litigation works. The typical tasks undertaken by us during arbitration or court proceedings include: