Independent/Lender's Engineering Services

"Essca Consulting offers a comprehensive range of ‘Due Diligence Services’ at the Pre and Post Financial Close of a Project to facilitate Lenders/Investors take right investment decisions."

The objective of an Independent/Lender’s Engineer is to provide a complete assessment of the project on the basis of technical and financial evaluation, so as to provide the stakeholder (the Owner, Lender or any other individual) the necessary assurance of suitability and viability of the proposed project. This is carried out through a techno-economic due diligence.

Essca Consulting provides Independent/Lender's Engineering Services to various International and National Financial Institutions, Government Bodies, Banks, Private Equity players, Corporate Enterprises Non-Banking Financial Institutions etc. Our expertise in the fields of construction contracts, procurement, planning, disputes and management brings a quality, integrated, risk-based, project-oriented service to our Clients based on lender’s special requirements, interests and considerations in financing a capital project.

What We Do

Our Lenders Engineering and Independent Engineering Services broadly include:

Review of Project feasibility
Review of project design
Project commercial appraisal
Review of agreements
Review of cost-breakup and schedules
Review of BOM and technical specifications
Verification of approvals and Clearances

Physical progress monitoring
Verification of actual cost incurred
Scrutiny of Test reports
Periodic site inspections
Review of draw down requests

Review of O&M arrangements
O&M schedule review
Comments on Adequacy of spares
Periodical performance assessments
Periodical O&M site inspections